“Rachit reports to Irina.”

English Lesson: Rachit reports to Irina.

There's an new employee in your department. You're introducing her to some of the people in your company. Now you're introducing someone who works for a person who she's already met.

Rachit reports to Irina.

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(someone) reports to (someone)

You can explain who a person's boss is using the phrae "__ reports to __".

If your boss is named "Jay", then you can say:

I report to Jay.

The reverse of this is to "have people reporting to" someone:

She has six people reporting to her now.

This phrase is commonly used in professional jobs and office jobs. It sounds very respectable.

Another expression for this is "works under ___":

Do you still work under Dharmesh?

In other situations (like at smaller businesses or service jobs), you can say that a person "works for" someone:

I work for Marcus.

And that person is the other person's "boss" or "manager":

Marcus is my direct manager, and his boss is the owner.