English Lessons

English Lesson: Yuuki in particular seemed interested in going.

You're a teacher having lunch with your colleagues. You tell them about an idea you suggested to your class: going to visit City Hall. You mention to the other teachers that one of your students seemed especially excited.

English Lesson: In the unlikely event of an emergency water landing, you may find a flotation device beneath your seat cushion.

You're on an airplane that's about to take off. The flight attendant is making safety announcements. He tells what to do if the plane lands on the water.

English Lesson: The official end of the work day is at five, but a lot of us end up sticking around until six thirty or seven most days.

There's a new employee working in your department. It's her first day on the job. She asks you what time work finishes. You give her a complete answer.

English Lesson: I'll tell you, one thing I can't stand is olives!

You're talking with friends about foods you hate. For you, the one food you never eat is olives. You tell your friends how much you dislike them.

English Lesson: Just let it go, hon.

You're driving with your husband when another driver cuts you off very rudely. He's very angry and wants to respond. You tell him to just relax and forget about it.