English Lessons

English Lesson: Our revenues have been mostly flat, but our profit margin has been shrinking.

You're presenting your department's financial results in a meeting at work. You tell the group that you're selling the same amount, but keeping less of the money because costs are rising.

English Lesson: You have to convey not only what your skills are, but how you can benefit their organization.

You're a mentor for a college student who wants to get a job in your industry. You're giving him some advice on how to act in a job interview. You say this.

English Lesson: I noticed that you didn’t enter the customer information. Was that on purpose?

A coworker is training you in how to use a database. He was showing you how to enter information into a form, but he left one area empty. You want to know if that was the right way to do it or a mistake.

English Lesson: Gosh, when was the last time we saw each other?

You're getting coffee with a friend from high school. You've been friends for a long time, but you live in different cities now. You're trying to remember when exactly you last got together.

English Lesson: Sweetie, can I ask you something?

Your boyfriend has been acting strangely recently. You want to have a serious talk with him to find out why. You start the conversation this way.