English Lessons

English Lesson: He's around fiftyish, I'd say.

You're talking to your friend about your boss at your new job. She asks you to describe him and asks how old he is. You're not sure, but he seems like he's around fifty years old.

English Lesson: Do you want to go see a movie maybe?

It's Saturday afternoon. You and your girlfriend have been lying around all day, but you want to go out. You suggest going to the cinema.

English Lesson: I have a gut feeling that it's a boy.

You're pregnant. You haven't found out yet whether you're having a boy or a girl, but you think it might be a boy. At lunch with a coworker, she asks you whether it's a girl or boy, you make this prediction.

English Lesson: My ears are ringing. Are yours?

You're driving home with your girlfriend after a loud concert. Because of all the noise, you hear a kind of high-pitched sound in your ears. You tell her about it.

English Lesson: Yeah, it's decent.

You and your boyfriend are looking for a restaurant to eat dinner at. You pass by a restaurant that you've been to before. Your boyfriend hasn't been there, but you have. He asks if it's any good, and this is your answer.