English Lessons


You were in a meeting at work where you heard about a change in your work schedule. You're talking to an employee who wasn't at the meeting. You want to talk to her about the schedule change, but you're not ready to discuss it yet. You say this to...


You're working on a group project for school. You're trying to work, but one of the group members (who you know well) is just making jokes and chatting instead of working. You say this to him.


You're having a conversation with your mother and she mentions an embarrassing story about you. You wish she wouldn't tell that story, so you say this to her.


You are writing an essay about your opinion on a scandal. The scandal involved a school principal who was spying on his students over the Internet. You want to say that it was wrong for this principal to spy on the students because of his position...


You are talking to a coworker who wants to move to a different job within the company. You know of a job that is available, so you offer this suggestion.