English Lessons


Your husband was invited to meet his friends at a bar for drinks and told his friends that he would go. But now he doesn't want to go and is considering staying home instead. You think he should go because he told the friends that he would. You gi...


You are having a conversation with your friend about a TV commercial, but you haven't seen it because you don't watch commercials. This is how you explain that you have a DVR and always skip commercials.


Your younger brother has told you that he's thinking of dropping out of college to start his own business. You think that it might be a bad idea, but you respect that it's his decision. You want to check to make sure he's really sure about his dec...


Your company's sales numbers have been decreasing for 3 months. You are giving a presentation to some coworkers and say this to point out the problem.


You are taking a TOEFL test. The person who is administering the test is reading the test instructions aloud. She reads the following line about the bathroom break policy.