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Free Audio English Lesson Week 3

Phrasemix Free Audio English  Lessons teaches English learners exactly what to say in realistic, real-word settings.  Each week’s lesson  create scenarios and situations English learners may find themselves in on in given day.

Phrasemix Audio Lessons are...

Free Audio English Lesson Week 2

Phrasemix Free Audio English  Lessons teaches English learners exactly what to say in realistic, real-word settings.  Each week’s lesson  create scenarios and situations English learners may find themselves in on in given day.

Phrasemix Audio Lessons are...

Free Audio English Lesson Week 1

Phrasemix Free Audio English  Lessons teaches English learners exactly what to say in realistic, real-word settings.  Each week’s lesson  create scenarios and situations English learners may find themselves in on in given day.

Phrasemix Audio Lessons are...

Top 11 Apps to Study English Online

We will never know the true importance of learning a second language until we wake up one day and realize that we can't read a menu, order a coffee, or understand the bus schedule because everything is in a language we haven't been expending any energy to learn.

English fluency has been...

Use LinkedIn Like a Pro: Hot Tips for Students and Recent Graduates

Anyone who has ever at least thought about getting a job for sure must have heard about LinkedIn. This is one of the world’s most popular social media with a steadily increasing number of active users. Unlike other communication digital platforms, LinkedIn has a focus on career...