English Lessons

English Lesson: I'd just like to say, on behalf of everyone here, good luck in your new home.

You've organized a party at a restaurant for a friend of yours who's moving to another part of the country. You want to officially say some nice things about your friend. You say this once you've gotten everyone's attention.

English Lesson: I’m good at thinking quickly on my feet.

You're in a job interview. The interviewer asks about one of your strengths. You explain that you can make good decisions quickly.

English Lesson: See how the alert message changed when you did that?

You're teaching a coworker how to use a database application. You're explaining how to fill in an important form. You notice that something changed on the screen, so you point it out to your coworker.

English Lesson: I’m not sure that’s a good idea.

You're in a meeting at work. One of your coworkers makes a suggestion. You don't like the suggestion, so you politely reject it.

English Lesson: All right, well I guess I should be going.

You've been hanging out at a friend's house on a Saturday afternoon. You've been there for several hours, so you feel like it's time for you to leave. You say this to start leaving.