English Lessons

English Lesson: That world seems so foreign to me.

Your brother-in-law is a well-known artist who has an art show going on in a gallery now. You're telling a coworker about him. But you don't know much about art, so you say this.

English Lesson: Here – let me adjust the seat for you.

You're going on a bike ride with a friend. She doesn't have a bicycle, so you let her borrow yours. You're taller than she is, so the seat is too high for her. You offer to lower the seat for her.

English Lesson: The next thing I know, I'm sprawled out on the floor.

You're at a party. You're telling a funny story about a time when you tripped on your son's toy car. You've described what you were doing before you tripped on the toy, and how you tripped on it. This is how you end your story.

English Lesson: Sweetheart, it's 2011. Get with it!

Your coworker says that she's never used Facebook, Twitter, or any other social networking services. You can't believe it. You think that she needs to try out these services, so you say this.

English Lesson: God forbid we go a single day without it raining.

Today you woke up to see that the sky is dark and it's raining again, as it has been all week. You're in a bad mood because you wanted to go out to play soccer with some friends today. You say this to yourself, sarcastically.