English Lessons


You go to the dentist. The dentist notices that your teeth are worn down and smooth on the edges, and she tells you this.


You have an uncle who has a strange sense of humor. He tells jokes, but his face always stays serious. You get confused by this. Now you're talking about your uncle's personality with your mother. This is how you explain your confusion.


Your uncle laughs at strange things and makes jokes without laughing. You don't understand him. Now you're talking with your mother about him.


You went out to eat at a restaurant, and now you're writing a review of your meal on a restaurant-review website. You write this about a piece of cake that you ate, which wasn't very bad or very good.


You have some bags of used clothes that you want to donate to a thrift store. You want to know where to put the bags. You see an employee at the front of the store and ask this.