English Lessons


You've been working hard on a project at work all afternoon, and one of your team members suggests that you should call it a day. You agree, and you want to tell everyone that you should all continue working on it again in the morning.


You're working on a project with a few other people at work. You've all been working hard all afternoon, and now it's getting late. You think you should stop working on it for today, so you suggest this.


You're looking at photos on your friend's new mobile phone. Your friend mentions how impressed he's been with the quality of the photos that the phone takes. You say this in agreement.


You're studying a 3rd language. You can usually understand what people are saying in that language. A friend asks you about your progress, so you reply.


You're working on a project at work to create a mobile phone application. You're making a presentation on how the work for the application is going. After explaining each of the steps you're going to do, you want to tell everyone when it will be f...