English Lessons


At a restaurant, your friend ordered a steak cooked medium-rare. But when he got it, it was over-cooked. He tells you about it. You say this to convince him to complain to the waiter.


You're with your friend. You're deciding what to do tonight. He suggests going to a dance club where his friend is DJ'ing & asks if you're OK with that. You don't care what you do, and want to show that you're having fun. You say this enthusiastic...


One of the people who works under you came to your office to ask a question. He asked you "Can I ask you something?" You were typing an email, but it wasn't that important, so you answer him like this.


One of the people who works under you came to your office to ask a question. He asked you "Can I ask you something?" You were typing an urgent email and want to finish it, so you answer him like this.


You need to ask your boss an important question, so you go to his office. He's typing something on the computer. Politely, you say this.