The Essence of Inclusivity in the Video Game World

The video game industry has become a unifying factor for people from across the globe. Players from diverse backgrounds can now meet virtually to enjoy its dynamic storytelling, immersive experiences, and exhilarating gameplay mechanics. It is estimated that there are over three billion video gamers worldwide. The growth has increased diversity with each continent having representation. Notably, the number of women has increased drastically to over 40%, yet this was a male-dominated industry. Hence, video gaming has surpassed entertainment and extended to social connectivity and so much more.

Game design must be inclusive to ensure each player can have an engaging experience. The same needs to be reciprocated in other industries like the online casino industry. It has a plethora of slots and casino games, which must have diverse themes to suit players with different preferences. You can go to to take a look at the strides that have been taken to promote inclusivity in this area. However, it is still far from optimal.

Let us take a closer look at the importance of inclusivity in game development. The conversation has been gaining momentum, and its successes are deniable.

Keep reading for greater insights:

Why Inclusivity?

Inclusivity results in the creation of high-quality games that represent a range of experiences and perspectives. This results in fairness for all gamers. Players from different races, ages, genders, sexualities, and much more can feel like they are part of the greater gaming community. It creates a strong sense of belonging that will attract the entire community. Groups that initially felt under-represented in various places will be factored in – this will be extremely impactful to them.

All this begins with setting up the game in different backgrounds. It also involves the creation of characters who represent different people. We could have characters with disabilities, from the LGBTQ community, from various cultures, and more to foster inclusivity and validate people. When playing, gamers tend to immerse themselves in the virtual world of gaming, and nothing gives them greater joy than a relatable character.

Diversity in Game Developers

The video game industry has gone beyond achieving gaming success. It now encompasses representation, community, and empowerment, which are key pillars of inclusivity. The inclusion of relatable characters is not enough. It has to start from the beginning through the inclusion of a diverse team of game developers who will come with different perspectives.

The genesis of the lack of inclusion was the domination of the game industry by a group of homogenous people. They had near-similar backgrounds so the design of the games, the perspectives, the narratives, and the features favored their preferences. The mentality was also wrong since it discriminated against women. Most women who showed interest were either bullied or perceived to be weird.

For inclusivity to be permanently embedded in the industry, diversity has to start with the creation of the team. They will bring in a diversity of thought, experiences, perspectives, and points of view, which will cater to different gamers. The team will also be more accommodating since each member can speak his or her mind freely without fear of victimization.

Game development companies should start by recruiting developers from diverse groups. Some special groups, like the disabled, can be given preferential treatment to allow them to give input that will offer a unique perspective. The inclusion of diverse groups will also help quickly trace and alleviate issues like racism, discrimination, and homophobia.


Video gaming should be safe and accessible to be truly inclusive. Developers should include features like customizable controls to accommodate players with physical disabilities. We could also have colorblind modes and text-to-speech features, which will cater to visually or auditory-challenged players.

The discussion on inclusivity is often dominated by newer issues like sexuality. It often leaves out the disabled, who need special attention. Hence, it is crucial to have these features that promote accessibility for them. The industry had also left out people who could not afford consoles, which are quite expensive across the globe. Besides the initial cost, newer consoles are usually released leading to additional costs. Desktop and laptop computers can also be expensive for players. This is particularly true for gaming laptops, which come with advanced graphics that can run these games.

In the spirit of inclusivity, game developers should create games that are playable on smartphones and tablets. Some of them have already started, but we need more. These devices are significantly cheaper compared to the rest hence a bigger population can access them. It is quite rare to find an adult without a smartphone in most parts of the world. These devices could also be easier for the disabled to use. They offer an alternative platform for gamers to play while on the go.

The diversity in the video game industry calls for inclusivity in game development. By accommodating a range of perspectives, backgrounds, and cultures, developers can create an engaging and immersive gaming experience for all. This is the model that will sustain this industry.

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