“Attendance is required.”
You're the manager of a group at work, and you want to schedule a meeting. It's important that all of the members of your group come to this meeting. You write an email to the group members, and after describing the meeting you write this.
Attendance is required.
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"Attendance" is a noun that means "showing up for something". You use "attendance" to talk about people coming to a meeting, a class, a party, and so on:
Comic-Con's attendance last year was estimated at 130,000.
Their school has a strict attendance policy.
The verb form of this word is "attend (something)":
I'm sorry, but I won't be able to attend today's meeting.
"Attendance" is used in formal communication for business or school, or when you're talking in an analytical way about the number of people who came to something. In a more casual situation, you can use the word "turnout" to talk about the number of people who came.
(something) is required
When you say that something "is required", it means that people have to do it.
Things that people often say "are required" include:
- Attendance is required.
- Registration is required. (You have to register.)
- Immediate action is required. (You have to act quickly.)
- Further research is required. (This is often used at the end of academic journal articles to say that someone needs to research a topic more.)
- A permit is required. (You need a permit, which is an official document that shows you're allowed to do something.)