“I'll just take this and put it all on my card.”

You're out to dinner with a group of friends and discussing how to pay the check. The other people are paying in cash, but you don't have cash. You want to use your credit card, so you're going to keep your friends' cash and pay for the entire meal on your card. You pick up the cash and say this.

I'll just take this and put it all on my card.

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put (a purchase) on (someone's) credit card

To "put something on" your credit card means to pay for it with credit. When you use this phrase, it makes the expense sound like it's not that big. So it's useful for when you're talking to friends or acquaintances and don't want to seem like a cheapskate.

When you use this phrase, it's most common to say you are putting "this" or "it" on your card. "This" or "it" refers to the things that you're buying. For example, when you're buying a jacket, someone asks you if you're going to pay in cash, and you say:

No, I'm going to put it on my credit card.

my card

People carry all kinds of different cards. For example:

  • a credit card
  • a debit card
  • an ID card for work or school
  • a gym membership card

In some situations, you can just say "my card" instead of saying what kind of card you're talking about. People will usually be able to understand which card you mean. For example, if you're going to the gym with someone and say:

Oh shit, I forgot my card!

the listener will know that you are talking about your gym membership card.

In the example above, it's obvious that "my card" meant "my credit card" because the context is paying for a meal.