“My old one's kind of worn-out-looking.”
You want a new phone. You say this while trying to explain why to your husband.
My old one's kind of worn-out-looking.
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kind of (adjective/adverb)
"Kind of" means "a little" or "somewhat". People often use it in spoken English:
It kind of took me by surprise.
You can use "kind of" before an adjective ("kind of shy") or before a verb ("kind of took me by surprise").
Another phrase with a similar meaning is "somewhat":
Most students find that university courses are somewhat more difficult than the classes that they took in high school.
"Somewhat" is more formal. Use "kind of" for most situations and "somewhat" when discussing academic topics or in writing.
The pronunciation of "kind of" sounds like "kinda".
my old (something)
You can call something that you own "my old ___" after you buy a new one, or when you're starting to think about buying a new one:
I think I'm going to trade my old car in for something newer.
My old computer was so slow compared to this.
(something) is worn-out
When something is "worn out", it means that it's been used a lot. It probably looks old and might not work very well anymore because it's been used so much:
All I had to wear was an old worn-out pair of jeans.
We're replacing our old worn-out washing machine and dryer.
You can also say that a person is "worn out". This just means that they're really tired:
When I get home from work, I'm worn out and all I want to do is lay on the couch and watch TV.
This is a useful phrase when you want to describe how something looks with a word that doesn't usually describe the appearance of something. Some examples: