Smart home is a must-have for owners of private houses

How does a smart home work?

A Smart Home review should start with a definition. "Smart Home" is an intelligent automated system that links individual devices into a single whole. For example, thanks to such a system, the light in a room of the house turn on when people appear, the air conditioner are automatically adjusted depending on the air temperature in the room, and if the water supply suddenly leaks, the system will inform the owner of the house about this, not forgetting to turn off the water. 

These and other "good things of civilization" can be controlled using a mobile device from anywhere in the world. It is the essence of the "Smart Home" - to create automatic execution of actions without human intervention. Thanks to this program, you can program the computer to turn on at 6 pm and run Bollywood live roulette or a coffee machine to prepare coffee in the morning. Both adults and children can use and manage the "Smart Home."

To install the Smart Home system, you need the following:

  • Controller - (another name is "hub") the central "brain" of a smart home. It is a prominent device that connects all elements of the system. It is the main thing to know in the "How to set up a smart home" section.

  • Sensors - (another name is "sensors") devices that transmit data to the controller. They monitor whether there is smoke, whether the water flows, and whether strangers enter the house; that is, they perform a controlling function.

  • Executive devices - (another name is "accessories"). Everything that carries out commands. These can be circuit breakers, taps that shut off the water in case of an accident, intelligent sockets, pipe valves, and other valuable accessories.

  • An installed mobile application (another name is specialized software). With its help, the "Smart Home" owner controls everything, controlling the system from a distance.

Types of "Smart Homes"

Types of "Smart Homes" according to the kind of equipment are divided into:


In "Smart Homes," sensors, a command box, controllers, and the entire structure are interconnected by wires.

Advantages of wired equipment

  • High recall speed.

  • Minimal chance of equipment overload.

Disadvantages of wired equipment

  • Complicated installation of the system.

  • Construction material costs.

  • Difficulties in laying equipment.


How can I set up a Smart Home? Smart Home is controlled by a radio channel that holds everything, even when the owners are not home. As a tincture, digital devices from smartphones, tablets and personal computers, or unique panels are used.

Advantages of wireless equipment

  • Relatively simple installation.

  • Quick installation compared to wired.

Disadvantages of wireless equipment

  • Insufficient functionality of radio signals.

  • Batteries need to be replaced from time to time.

The manufacturer usually uses its security protocol and mobile application in the Smart Home system. The types of protocols are:

  1. Open (the system is controlled using a language used by different manufacturers).

  2. Closed (managed in the language of the manufacturer-developer).

Useful Features

The main functions of the "Smart Home" include:

  • Financial savings and energy saving. With "Smart Home," you will not overpay for electricity, gas, and other utilities. Thanks to the system's calculations, the same light will only be on when needed.

  • Safety. "Smart home" - protection against possible gas leaks, fire, flood, and intruders.

  • Comfort. An automated system will save you from household chores such as turning on the lights at night or adjusting the air conditioner.

For the Smart Home system to work as it should, you need to understand the technology and comply with several conditions:

  • The presence of a protocol for home automation is used by the devices of the system to communicate with each other and the controller: for example, ordinary Wi-Fi.

  • Purchase only reliable, flexible equipment, such as the base unit. It will evenly distribute the channels so that the radio waves on which all electronic devices in the house communicate do not interfere with each other.

  • Make a competent installation of the electrical network in the house. Calculate the cross-section of the wires, and work out the issue with grounding. In this matter, it is better to use the services of specialists.

  • Remember that Smart Home equipment is designed for standard 220 V networks.

  • Solve the issue by installing differential circuit breakers or a residual current device that can protect the system in case of power surges.

  • Program the objects of the system, dividing them into major and minor. The first one is heating. In the event of a power outage, the system will cut down what is less critical, while essential appliances will continue to work from the generator.

  • Reload services or controllers as instructed. Depending on the type of system, a reboot is carried out from one to three times a year.

  • Remember that installing and connecting the Smart Home system is not a matter of minutes. The process can take place in six to eight stages: schedule for you or your loved ones to be at home during this time.

Is it possible to make a "Smart Home" yourself?

If you do not trust the masters and believe that your knowledge and skills will help you make and install the "Smart Home" with your own hands, this will require:

  • Possess programming skills for different operating systems.

  • Possess knowledge and ability to work with electrical devices. For example, to assemble an electrical panel.

  • Know the modern automation system: understand everything: from types of sensors to types of controllers.

How much does Smart Home cost?

With all the options, we will consider three average turnkey systems for one-story country cottages up to 200 m2. Allocate initial, standard, and plan for the most advanced users. Each offers the best "Smart Home" in its price segment.

The first includes a basic set of lighting, climate control, ventilation, security systems, and monitoring and SMS alerts. Such a system can cost up to $100,000.

The standard system for 120 thousand dollars, in addition to the essential functions of the primary system, includes two more control panels and automatic operation of curtains according to the schedule and daylight hours. The plan for the advanced added lighting brightness control, auto-adjustment of light by sensor, economical climate control mode in the absence of owners, the presence of a touch screen, and audio sounding of rooms. All this splendor can cost from 400 thousand dollars. Which "Smart Home" to choose and buy is up to you.

Let's summarize

"Smart houses" - a new reality of suburban real estate. They are still relatively expensive, but they allow saving and are perceived by most of the population as exotic. Still, at the same time, they bring tangible benefits to their owners.

To choose the right Smart Home system, decide on the valuable functions you want to see in the house, resolve the issue of power surges and trust the choice of the system to professional companies. Otherwise, "Smart Home" without further ado will do everything by itself, providing a comfortable stay for you and your family.

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