Words We Confuse: Study These Words to Improve Your Writing

Remember the boy called Ralphie within the movie A Christmas Story, who couldn't wait to seem at his essay grade? He was so sure he would receive an ideal score. He was sorely disappointed when he saw his grade. Has this happened to you?

We've all been there. We are exerting to come back up with an excellent essay and we're so sure we've done our best. Then, after we get our paper from the teacher and see a less-than-impressive grade, it is a real shocker!

One of the issues students make is word mix-ups.

Many experienced writers need to pause for a second and think after they are getting ready to type certain words. “Some words are so near others in spelling or meaning that they cause confusion, time after time” Nicholas H. Parker, an editor at BuyEssayClub, assumes. For this reason, it is a good idea to review the foremost common word mix-ups, to avoid problems that vex writers everywhere. If you'll conquer these common problems, you simply might avoid the fate of Ralphie.

Frequently Confused Words

accept/except: Accept may be a verb, aspiring to take willingly. Except could be a preposition, meaning apart from. Remember the phrase "I will accept any food except turnips." The words accept and except are in alphabetical order in this sentence. Sure, it's silly, but it would work.

affect/effect: To affect is to provide an impression. Still confused? Affect is sometimes a verb meaning "to impact or influence." it would help to recollect that "a" is for action and "e" is for result. He could see the consequences of the storm as he drove through the town. The sights affected him greatly.

altogether/all together: Altogether is an adverb which means absolutely, wholly, or including everything. "We are altogether satisfied with your job performance" states that a bunch agrees wholly that you've got a decent job. On the opposite hand, all at once refers to a bunch that's in one place. "We are all at once within the board room."

conscience/conscious:  "Conscious" is an adjective, meaning aware, awake, or sometimes purposely. This is often the version you utilize if somebody is completely unaware or if someone faints. it'd help to think about other "state of mind" words that have the identical ending, like serious, or "delirious."  "Conscience" is your sense of right and wrong. It rhymes with sense. This is often the one that bothers you once you tell a fib. 

fewer/less: If you'll be able to get this one right, you will be prior to most of the English-speaking population. You'll hear this mix-up everywhere the media! Few and fewer talk to objects which will be numbered. Less refers to a quantity of something non-specific. it'd help to think about "less" as a "lump" word. Examples: i've got "fewer" dimes and "less" money than you.

it's/its: The apostrophe in "it's" poses a true problem for a few people. Many folks consider possession after they see it. But it could be a contraction, meaning "it is" or "it has," as in "It's been way too long ago we last talked." The word its may be a pronoun like "hers" or "his." No apostrophe!

to/too: this can be probably the foremost common problem pair, but once you get the difference, it seems so simple! To may be a preposition that indicates location or direction, but it can also be employed in front of a verb to form an infinitive, like "to eat" or "to swim." That sounds harder than it's. Too is an adverb meaning excessively, additionally, or in extreme. Either way, this word indicates "an extra amount." Just consider the additional "o" in too!

whose/who's: Again, the apostrophe in who's creates confusion, because it tricks people into thinking it indicates possession. It doesn't! Who's is that the contraction for "who is" while whose is that the possessive type of who. Examples: Whose turn is it to feed the dog? Who's visiting to do it?

If you're able to learn to use these problem words correctly, you'll certainly make a greater impression on your teacher. Your papers will stand out and appear a lot more professional once you avoid common mix-up's like "to" and "too."

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