“I'm in support of anything that generates new jobs.”
A person you used to work with is volunteering for an organization. The organization is trying to change the law to allow foreigners to move to your country to start a business. You don't know much about this law, but you think that it might be good if foreigners start businesses in your country. You think that it might help to create new jobs, so you say this.
I'm in support of anything that generates new jobs.
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be in support of (something)
This phrase means to like an idea. It's usually used to talk about an action that people are debating on. For example, if people in the government are discussing whether to raise or lower taxes, you could say:
I'm strongly in support of the idea of raising taxes if it means improving our education system.
The phrase "in support of" is not really casual or formal, but it's usually used to talk about decisions so it's likely to be used in politics, classroom discussions, and in the news.
anything that (does something)
When you don't care what something is, but only what it does, you can use this phrase. For example, a military commander might say to his troops:
Shoot anything that moves.
This sentence means that the troops should immediately shoot if they see something moving, no matter what it is.
generate jobs
This means to create new jobs for the people of a country or region.
"Generate" is a more specific word than "create", so it sounds more technical. If you want to sound smarter when discussing economics, you should use the word "generate". When you want to sound more casual and friendly when talking about the economy with your friends, use "create".
Other words that fit with "generate" include:
generate profits
generate interest
generate (electrical) power