“This is my first time going to Europe, so I'm super pumped.”
You're planning a vacation to France with one of your friends. You're making small talk about it with a co-worker at your part-time job. You tell him this.
This is my first time going to Europe, so I'm super pumped.
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(someone's) first time (doing something)
When you want to talk about doing something that you haven't done before, use this phrase:
That was my first time meeting him in person.
Is this your first time visiting New York?
Remember that you should say "my first time ___ing", not "my first time to ___"
super (adjective)
"Super" is an adverb that's similar to "very". It's actually stronger than "very". Here's a rough guide to how "super" compares with other intensifiers like "very":
- pretty < very < really < super < extremely
However, "super ___" is not considered proper English. It's a slang expression which is mostly used in spoken conversation by younger speakers. It also seems like an expression that women use more than men.
(someone) is pumped
Being "pumped" means that you're really excited about something.
"Pumped" is a slang expression. It's common in situations where you're talking about sports, music, movies, or other things that make people excited and enthusiastic.