“Try to get in around nine.”
There's a new employee working under you. She asks what time work starts. You're not very strict, so you tell her the time this way.
Try to get in around nine.
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Try to (do something)
This is a soft way to tell someone, like an employee or a coworker, what to do:
Try to have it done by the end of the week.
Try to negotiate the price down a little bit before you finalize the deal.
Speaking in this way makes you seem friendly.
get in (to work)
Talk about arriving at work with the phrase "get in":
What time do you usually get in?
I got in a little late this morning.
You can also add "to work":
What time do you usually get in to work?
When you talk about the time, you don't always need to add "o'clock". You can also just say the number:
A: When's the meeting?
B: It's at three.
Adding "o'clock" when it's not necessary makes the sentence sound more formal:
The meeting is at four o'clock.
Adding "am" or "pm" to the time when they're not necessary makes it even more formal:
The meeting will begin at nine o'clock a.m. Please arrive ten to fifteen minutes early.