“You need to come up with a concrete plan.”

English Lesson: You need to come up with a concrete plan.

Your son is unemployed. You've asked him what he's going to do. He says that he's going to get a new job, but he doesn't know what kind of job. You want him to think more seriously about it.

You need to come up with a concrete plan.

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You need to (do something)

"You need to ___" is a really strong and direct way of giving someone advice or orders. It's usually used by parents, teachers, and bosses. It's usually used when they're angry or annoyed:

You need to stop talking and pay attention.

You need to get the account manager on the phone and tell him you're sorry, but you made a mistake.

come up with (something)

To "come up with" an idea means to create it. You usually use "create" for physical things that you make, but you use "come up with ___" to describe creating an idea, a plan, a name, etc. Another example:

Where'd you come up with the idea to start a blog about English phrases?

a concrete plan

"Concrete" things are solid. A "concrete plan" is realistic and detailed. It includes specific ideas about:

  • what to do
  • how to do it
  • what order to do each step in

Here are some examples of how to use the phrase "concrete plan":

We need to put together a concrete plan for how we're going to deal with this.

A: What are you doing for the holidays this year?

B: I don't have any concrete plans.

The opposite of a "concrete" plan is a "vague" plan.