
Do you have a question about English? In these articles, we answer many of the common questions that English learners have.

What are the differences between "maybe", "perhaps", "possibly", and "probably"?

These are a few different ways to answer a question if you don't want to say "Yes" or "No":





So how are they different from each other?


Different meanings

First, you should know that there are three levels of possibility:


How do you improve your English reading?


If you're able to read this article, it must mean that you're already pretty good at reading English. But there's always room for improvement. If you want to get better at reading and writing English, read ahead!


1. To become a better reader, you have to read.

That probably...

What's the difference between "lay" and "lie"?

Woman lying (or laying) down

In my lessons, I sometimes write something like this:

Your son usually sleeps in the afternoon after lunch. You want him to lay down and start to fall asleep.

When I do, I get questions like this one:

"You want him to lay down" or "You want him to lie down"? I am confused.

So how should...

How are Canadian English and American English different?

By Emily Hitz, contributor

Canada flag

English is spoken around the world, but it sounds very different in different countries! British English and American English have a lot of differences — native speakers can hear a British or American accent in just a few words (can you?). But what...

How can I improve my TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, EIKEN, or other English test scores?

A standardized test

I get a lot of questions about how to prepare for standardized English tests like the TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, and so on.

In the past, I've avoided answering these questions for a few reasons:

  1. I don't like standardized tests very much. I don't think that they do a good job of measuring someone'...