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33 English words and phrases for talking about your extended family

Family tree

You probably already know how to talk about your immediate family in English. Your immediate family includes your mother, father, sister, sisters, brothers, husband, wife, and children.

But you might have some questions when it comes to your extended family and some complicated family relations....

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Why do English speakers sometimes use present tense when they talk about the past?

When you learned English in school, you were taught to use the past tense when talking about things that happened in the past. For example:

I got a text message from my sister.

But sometimes English speakers use present tense when they're talking about the past. Here's an example:


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How to remember phrasal verbs without mixing them up

Phrasal Verbs

You have to learn phrasal verbs if you want to sound natural in English. English speakers use phrasal verbs all the time. They give our language color and life.

How have you learned phrasal verbs in the past? Most English learners study phrasal verbs in lists grouped by verb like these:

  • go out...

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30 phrases for encouraging someone in English


When you want someone to try hard, keep going, or not give up, you can "encourage" them.

Here are some phrases that you can use for encouraging someone.

    Phrases to use when someone hasn't started yet.

    You can say these phrases to someone who's trying to decide whether to do something that seems...

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What's the difference between "house" and "home"?


You may have wondered what the difference between "house" and "home" is. Here's an explanation.

What "house" and "home" mean

A "house" is a building.

Specifically, it's usually a single-family building. Apartment buildings aren't...

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41 unique ways to practice listening to English


Our PhraseMix Premium service gives you a super-easy way to improve your English by listening to key example sentences. But there are lots of other ways to practice listening to English, if you're willing to put in the time and effort. We've pulled together a big list of 41 interesting ways that...

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What does it mean for something to be "crazy"?

Crazy person


This is going to be a crazy article.

The word "crazy" has come to have a lot of different meanings and be used in a lot of different ways.

Crazy people

Let's start with the most basic meaning. "Crazy" means "insane". Someone who doesn't see reality the same way as the rest of us is...

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What's the difference between "beautiful", "pretty", "gorgeous", and "handsome"?

A beautiful model

The words "beautiful", "pretty", "gorgeous", and "handsome" all describe something which looks good. When several words have the same meaning, how can you choose which one to use?

The best way to learn similar words is to learn them in phrases. Learn the words that go along with them.

Who do we...

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Phrases for reconnecting with an old friend

Friends hugging

Do you know what to say to an old friend who you haven't seen in many years? Here are some phrases that you can use when you reunite with someone:

Greet them

People who haven't met in a long time often act surprised, even when their meeting was planned:

Oh my gosh, look who it is!

Well if it...

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Another interview: ALsensei from the English 2.0 podcast

ALsensei from interviewed me recently for his English 2.0 podcast. We talked about the most common questions English learners ask, my ideas for how to learn English faster, and tips for being productive. Check out the interview here:

English 2.0 Teacher Interview 5 - Aaron from...