PhraseMix Articles
Phrases for reconnecting with an old friend
Do you know what to say to an old friend who you haven't seen in many years? Here are some phrases that you can use when you reunite with someone:
Greet them
People who haven't met in a long time often act surprised, even when their meeting was planned:
Oh my gosh, look who it is!
Well if it...
Another interview: ALsensei from the English 2.0 podcast
ALsensei from interviewed me recently for his English 2.0 podcast. We talked about the most common questions English learners ask, my ideas for how to learn English faster, and tips for being productive. Check out the interview here:
Words and phrases for talking about coffee in English
Photo Credit: marfis75 via Compfight cc
Are you a coffee drinker?
How do you take your coffee? Do you take it black, or do you like to add milk or sugar to it? Do you prefer skim milk (milk with no fat), whole milk, cream, or half-and-half (half milk, half...
Phrases for talking about gardening in English
Do you like to garden? Here are some words and phrases for talking about gardening in English:
There are a few different types of gardens:
- vegetable gardens, in which you grow vegetables and fruits to eat
- flower gardens, which have pretty flowers
- ornamental gardens, which contain a...
Does punctuation go inside or outside of quotation marks?
We use quotation marks in English in several situations:
when quoting exactly what someone said or wrote
He said, "Don't bother cooking dinner for me."
when naming the title of an article, song, TV episode, etc.
I sang a song I wrote called "Only Once".
when writing about a word or...
English phrases for talking about skilled trades
A "tradesperson" is someone who is skilled in an area that requires both manual labor (working with your hands) and specialized expertise (detailed knowledge about how to do something).
Here are some skilled trades. You can click to read an encyclopedia entry...
The most common English online slang
You may sometimes notice strange non-words that pop up in informal writing online: things like "OMG", "bf", etc. These slang expressions have entered the English language in the last 10-15 years because they're faster to type than the fully-spelled-out words and...
Why don't I use the English that I've learned?
A reader asked me this question:
When English speakers ask me something, my response always contains the same old vocabulary and phrases. Instead of using new English that I've learned, I always go back to the simple way of saying things. How can I stop doing that?
So how can you make yourself...
50 more of the most important English proverbs
One of the most popular PhraseMix articles ever was about the 50 most important English proverbs, so here are some more really common proverbs.
Proverbs are wise sayings that are remembered and repeated. The ones below are so popular that you will often hear them in daily conversation.
If you're...
What's the difference between "jail" and "prison"?
Do you know the difference between the words "jail" and "prison"? Learning the difference can teach you not only about these words, but about other words related to crime, courts, and punishment as well.
The meaning of "jail"
If you get arrested, the police take you to a jail. Jails are operated...
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