The Blog
Listen to the lessons
You might have noticed that there's a new feature on PhraseMix. You can now listen to every key example sentence if you sign up for PhraseMix Premium.
Learn more deeply by memorizing sentences
I provide explanations of different phrases with every PhraseMix lesson, but that's not really the...
What does the perfect example sentence sound like? (Part 2)
This is the second in a series of posts about recording example sentences. Read the first entry here.
In my last post, I explained the process of recording example sentences from PhraseMix lessons. I also explained why faster and more natural-sounding examples are best. In this post, I'm going to...
What does the perfect example sentence sound like? (Part 1)
(This is the first of a series of posts about recording example sentences.)
I haven't been posting many new blog entries lately. That's partly because I've been busy getting audio lessons ready to release. I thought I'd write a little about the recording process and what I'm trying to achieve...
Why you should focus on learning situational English
In my last blog post, I explained that there are two categories of sentences:
- things that you say about a topic
- things that you say in a certain situation
For example:
- topic: family - things to say when talking about one's family
- listener: family - things to say to your family
How I've been improving the lesson categories
My problem with categories
Have you explored the Categories page on PhraseMix? It's a useful way to review lessons on different topics, like business, shopping, or phrasal verbs.
I realized something recently while writing Twitter messages to advertise some of the categories. I had...
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