“Almost everything has been taken care of at this point.”
You're getting married in two days. Someone asks you if you're stressed out. The truth is, you've been organized, worked hard, and your wedding plan is simple. You answer that you don't have much left to do.
Almost everything has been taken care of at this point.
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(something) has been (done)
This kind of sentence is called a "passive" sentence. You use "have been ___ed" when you don't want to say who did something because you're trying to hide it, or just because it's not important.
If someone asks about the dishes in the dishwasher:
Have these been run?
...the speaker asks "Have these been run" instead of "Did you run these?" because it's not important who ran the dishes. It could be any member of the family.
In the example:
Yes, I just wanted to verify that my payment has been received?
...the speaker doesn't know exactly who receives the payments. All that's important is that the correct person or department received it.
at this point
"At this point" means "now". Use it when something was different before:
I'll take any job I can get at this point. I've been out of work for over eight months.
Almost everything has been taken care of at this point.
You can also use "at this point" to talk about something that might change in the future:
I'm not interested in selling it at this point. I'll let you know if I change my mind.
take care of (something)
To "take care of" something means to do do or handle it. You can use "take care of" like this:
I'll take care of the dishes. You just sit down and relax.
You can also say that something "has been taken care of", which means that it's already done by someone else and you don't need to worry about it:
My flight and hotel reservation have already been taken care of.