“As you can see, the advantages of the new site are, one, it's personalized.”
You're giving a presentation of your company's newly redesigned website. You want to list the good points of this new site, so you say this.
As you can see, the advantages of the new site are, one, it's personalized.
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As you can see, (sentence)
Say this at the beginning of a sentence when you're showing people a document, a chart, a photograph, etc. to an audience. You use "As you can see,..." to point out something that you want them to look at:
As you can see, the numbers for this quarter are still looking pretty good.
As you can see, we had a ton of people come out for the opening night.
Use this expression in meetings, in presentations, when you're teaching a class, and so on.
the advantages of (a product)
You often use the word "advantages" when talking about products. The "advantages" are the good points of a product. In other words, it's the ways that this product will improve the life of the person who uses it.
Here are some examples:
One of the advantages of our solution is guaranteed 24-hour support.
Food manufacturers claim that the advantages of microwaveable meals for children outweigh the negatives.
...one, it's...
You've probably learned to list your points in a presentation at the beginning of a sentence like this:
First of all, the new site is personalized.
But what if you forget to start your sentence this way? The solution is simple. Just imagine that the items on your list are numbered.Then say the number of each item before you say that point:
I like this idea because, one, it's easy.
(something) is personalized
Something that is "personalized" has been changed or created specifically for someone. For example, a personalized T-shirt might have your name printed on it. Here are some examples of common things that are personalized:
- personalized service
- personalized instruction
- personalized gifts