“Can you maybe turn the volume down just a little?”
The people in the next apartment are playing music very loudly. You can't sleep. You decide to politely ask them to turn their music down.
Can you maybe turn the volume down just a little?
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Can you maybe (do something)?
This is an extra-polite way to ask someone to do something. You might use this phrase with someone you don’t know well, or if you’re a little uncomfortable asking.
Can you maybe make sure the dishes are completely clean when you wash them?
Can you maybe let me know how many people you’re bringing?
turn (something) down
This means to reduce something, usually sound:
My mom always turns down the TV when I’m watching it.
It’s also often used for air conditioning and heat:
Whoa, you need to turn down the AC. It’s freezing in here!
just a little
Say this when you’re asking for a very small amount of something.
A: Do you want some pepper on that?
B: Just a little.