“He's an incredibly charismatic and personable guy.”
You're telling a friend about the pastor of your church, who you like a lot. You say this.
He's an incredibly charismatic and personable guy.
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a guy
A "guy" is a man. It's a casual word.
You use this word instead of "man" when you're talking to your friends or in a casual situation like at a party. The person you're talking about can either be someone that you know, or someone who you don't know but don't have high respect for.
For a stranger who seems older and more respectable, "man" or even "gentleman" are more polite.
Note that you can use the plural form, "guys", when you're talking to a group of men or women:
But "guy" (singular) always refers to a man.
(someone) is charismatic
A "charismatic" person is interesting and exciting. They're the type of person that people want to follow.
Some other common qualities of charismatic people include:
- being successful
- being a good storytelller
- being outgoing
(someone) is personable
A "personable" person is outgoing, friendly, and easy to talk to.
We mostly use "personable" to talk about someone who's famous or in a position of authority (like an executive in a company), but is friendly toward "ordinary people".
incredibly (something)
"Incredibly" means "very", but it's a lot stronger.
Another word that's a stronger version of "very" is "extremely". "Incredibly" is stronger than "extremely".