“How can you concentrate with all that going on?”
Your teenage son is chatting with his friends and watching videos on his computer while he does his homework. You think it must be distracting for him and he won't be able to learn, so you ask him this.
How can you concentrate with all that going on?
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How can you (do something)?
Use the phrase "How can you ___?" when you want to criticize what someone is doing. Asking this shows that you don't think the listener should do this. For example, if someone in your family is listening to loud and annoying music, you can ask:
How can you listen to this?
Because "How can you ___" sounds negative, you should use a different phrase when you actually want to know how a person does something. You ask:
How are you able to do so many things at the same time?
concentrate with (something happening)
To "concentrate" is to focus or pay attention to something. Of course, it's harder to "concentrate" if you have sounds or pictures that take your attention. To talk about this, you say "concentrate with":
It's hard to concentrate with all the noise in here.
(something) going on
"Going on" means "happening" but sounds busier. When you are busy, you say:
I have a lot going on.
You also use "going on" to mean "happening" in casual situations:
Hey Hannah, what's going on?
In these situations, "going on" doesn't sound that busy.