“Jenny’s marketing prowess, professionalism, persistence and passion combine to make her the perfect match for our team.”
You've hired a new salesperson. You're writing an email to everyone in your division to introduce and welcome her.
Jenny’s marketing prowess, professionalism, persistence and passion combine to make her the perfect match for our team.
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Marketing is a part of business. It's the activity of figuring out what customers want, and finding ways to get customers to buy from you. Marketing is a subject that you can study in school:
I took a couple of Marketing classes in college.
It's also a job area:
I'm in Marketing.
And it's an activity that businesses do:
They've spent a lot of time and money marketing this new product line.
(someone's) team
In business, people often call the group that they work with (their company or department) a "team". For example, if a company wants to hire people to work for them, they'll put a link on their website which says:
Join our team.
Small companies also advertise the people that work there in a section on their website titled "Our Team".
You can name other departments or groups in your company by one of their members:
What's Becky's team working on these days?
And if you want to praise the people who work for you, you can say this:
We've got a fantastic team here.
(some kind of) prowess
"Prowess" means "ability". You can use this word to talk about how good someone is at a skill. For example:
Her athletic prowess is truly remarkable.
Some common types of "prowess" that we talk about include:
- "physical prowess"
- "intellectual prowess"
- "sexual prowess"
- "technical prowess"
The word "prowess" is a little formal and academic-sounding.
"Professionalism" is a positive quality that some people have. It means acting correctly in business situations.
Some qualities that make a person "professional" include:
- following workplace rules
- not showing anger or other negative emotions at work
- not gossiping about coworkers or clients
"Professionalism" is a noun. You use it like this:
Professionalism in the workplace is so important.
Being "persistent" means that you continue to try something again and again, even after you've failed a few times.
In English, "being persistent" has a positive image. People who are persistent are thought of as hard workers and are often successful in life.
"Persistence" is a noun that we use like this:
You'll never achieve anything great in life without persistence.
When someone is "passionate" about something, it means that they care a lot and feel strongly about it. That kind of feeling is called "passion".
You can feel "passion for" an idea, asubject area, or a social cause:
I can tell that you have a real passion for photography.
You can also feel "passion" for a person:
My passion for you knows no limits.
When you use "passion" to talk about romantic love, it sounds poetic.
(something) is a perfect match for (something)
When two things fit very well together, you can say that they are "a perfect match". You can use this phrase when talking about things like colors:
That green is a perfect match for the walls in the living room.
We often use this phrase to talk about people as well:
Don't you think that Tom and Melissa would be a perfect match?
And for job opportunities:
I think you'd be a perfect match for this position.