“Ooh, my leg's asleep.”
You've been watching a movie while laying on your sofa in a strange position. Now your leg feels strange and it's hard to move it. You say this to your girlfriend.
Ooh, my leg's asleep.
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(someone's) (body part) is asleep
When part of your body like your arm, leg, hand, etc. is in a strange position for a while, it starts to feel tingly. It feels like someone is poking it with lots of little needles. You describe this situation by saying that the body part "is asleep":
My foot's asleep!
You can also say that the body part "went to sleep":
My arm's gone to sleep. Can you move over for a minute?
People say "Ooh" when they're surprised by something, or when they suddenly notice something.
For example:
Ooh, I forgot to tell you: I'm going out of town next weekend.
Ooh, my back is sore!
You can use "Ooh!" for either positive or negative things. But there's another version of "Ooh" that's pronounced with a longer sound which has a completely positive meaning: