“What does the horsie say? Neigh, neigh!”
Your son is looking at a book about farm animals. There's a picture of a horse. You want to quiz him, so you say this.
What does the horsie say? Neigh, neigh!
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"Horsie" is a name that you can use for a horse when you're talking to very young children. We have special cuter-sounding names for many animals that we teach children:
- "horsie" (horse)
- "doggie" (dog)
- "kitty-cat" (cat)
- "piggy" (pig)
- "birdie" (bird)
- "fishy" (fish)
The (animal) says (a sound)
When English speakers teach children what noises different animals make, they usually do it this way:
The duck says "Quack."
The cow says "Moo, moo!"
"Neigh" is the word that English speakers use for the sound that a horse makes.
Here's a list of some other animal noises:
- Cat: "Meow"
- Pig: "Oink"
- Bird: "Tweet"
- Duck: "Quack"
- Sheep: "Baa"
- Turkey: "Gobble"
- Rooster: "Cock-a-doodle-doo"