“When you find the mortgage that's right for you, you can begin the application process online.”
You're going to buy a house. You're reading about how to get a mortgage on a bank's website. This sentence appears on the web page.
When you find the mortgage that's right for you, you can begin the application process online.
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a mortgage
A "mortgage" is a kind of loan. It's the kind of loan that people get when buying a house or other real estate. The borrower pays back the loan gradually, and if they can't pay it for some reason the bank will take back the property.
You can talk about a mortgage like this:
I can't just quit my job. I have a family, a mortgage, bills to pay...
Our mortgage is almost paid off.
the (something) that's right for you
"The ___ that's right for you" is a phrase that companies often use when communicating with their customers:
We'll help you to find the car that's right for you.
begin the application process
You "apply" for things like a job, admission to a school, a credit card, a license, and so on. Sometimes you can apply for something just by filling out a form and submitting it. Other kinds of applications take longer. To describe this situation, we can use the phrase "application process":
The application process takes 3 to 5 weeks.
How do I begin the application process?
(do something) online
Use the word "online" to talk about doing something through the Internet:
We met each other online.
I ordered it online.