Essay Writing Tips »

Effective Tips on How To Develop Writing Skills in a Child

Writing is not only an integral part of education but also a very important part of communication. No matter how efficient electronic communication is, we still write emails and messages, and we also consume textual content. However, modern kids don’t read a lot, and they also don’t...

Essay Writing Tips »

The 20 Most Commonly Used Casino Slang Terms

Do you want to feel like a seasoned gambler? If yes, then you will have to be familiar with casino slang. No driver can reach his destination without knowing traffic signals. Similarly, no one is supposed to beat the odds without knowing terms frequently used in gambling. People who don’t...

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How to Read Faster? (The Definitive Guide for Students)

Wouldn't it be great to read faster? Speeding through all of the words on a page and finishing books in record time. Besides reading for pleasure, it could help out with things like reading assignments or exams to leave time for more important things like sleep. Even if we don't like it,...

Essay Writing Tips »

Tips on Toning Down Stress of Homework

Many students undergo pressure leading to stress in the face of homework. It is almost impossible to avoid an assignment's anxiety, especially if the deadline is around the corner or a looming test..

Homework is a big part of a student's education. However, it can hurt a child if it...

Essay Writing Tips »

4 Little-Known Secrets Of Passing Your IELTS Exams

IELTS or International English Learners Testing System in a popular exam across the globe. This exam seeks to test your English language proficiency. IELTS focuses on four aspects of the English language in their tests which are listening, speaking, writing, and reading. 

When you come from...

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10 Best Questions to Ask in an Interview

Interviews present excellent opportunities for interviewers to assess the type of candidate you are. However, they also present opportunities for candidates to determine whether the job is a perfect fit for them.

For this reason, you should carry with you some questions about the nature of the...

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Gaming the System: How Video Games Help You Learn English

Have you tried learning a second language and got fluent in it? If you have, kudos to you because under normal circumstances, that’s really hard to pull off. According to the U.S. Department of State’s Foreign Service Institute, it takes 24 months-- that’s two full years-- of...

Essay Writing Tips »

How To Answer Essay Questions On Your English Exams

Testing exam questions

The reputation behind essay questions in English is a lot worse than their real difficulty. I remember enjoying these exam questions, but I also recall them being the bane of many students’ existence.

Why do we say that the essay answers’ reputation is overestimated? Because...

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Great Websites to Learn English Online in 2021


English is a recognized language that is accepted by the majority of countries in terms of education, business, and communication. This is why knowing this language is considered to be a crucial skill for anyone who wants to become successful, either domestically or...

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How to memorize vocabulary: 8 methods to master new English words

One of the main directions in the study of any foreign language is supplementing the vocabulary. Even perfect knowledge of grammatical and pronunciation rules will not help to communicate in English without the necessary vocabulary. In this article, you will find effective ways to memorize...