“Did I leave my camera at your place, by any chance?”

English Lesson: Did I leave my camera at your place, by any chance?

You can't find your camera. Last week, you took it to a friend's apartment. You wonder if you left it there, so you call and ask this.

Did I leave my camera at your place, by any chance?

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(someone's) place

In casual conversation, you can call someone's house their "place":

You have a really nice place!

Do you want to come over to my place for dinner?

You can also call a restaurant a "place":

Is this place any good?

(question), by any chance?

This is a way to ask a question very hesitantly. Use it when you want to ask a question, even though you're pretty sure that the answer is "no". For example:

I hear a bit of an accent. Are you from Michigan, by any chance?

A: Where'd you go to school? B: Penn State. A: Oh, really? A good friend of mine went there. Do you know Keiko Ishihara, by any chance?