“Is it just me, or was that a bit of a letdown?”
You saw a fireworks show that wasn't good as you hoped it would be. After the show, you say this to your friend who watched it with you.
Is it just me, or was that a bit of a letdown?
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Is it just me, or (question)?
Use this when you're complaining about something. You start your complaint with "Is it just me, or..." to find out if other people agree with your opinion:
Is it just me, or is it hot in here?
Is it just me, or has the writing on this show gone downhill this season?
a bit of a (something)
The phrase "a bit (adjective)" is similar in meaning to "a little":
It's a bit cold out.
The meaning of "a bit of a ___" is the same, but you use it before a noun instead of an adjective:
I know that it's a bit of a risk, but I really think we can pull it off.
(something) was a letdown
A "letdown" is something that wasn't as good as you expected it to be. Here are some things that might be letdowns:
- a movie that looked good in previews, but was boring when you watched it
- an album by a singer that you used to like, but who has now changed her style
- a restaurant that you read good reviews of, but didn't like when you went there
The phrase "___ was a letdown" is a little casual. A more formal alternative is "___ was disappointing."