“It looks like I've worn through the soles.”
You're putting on a pair of shoes. You notice that there's now a hole in the bottom of one of them. You say this to yourself.
It looks like I've worn through the soles.
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it looks like (clause)
When you've noticed something and want to point it out to people, you say "it looks like ___". For example, if you're waiting for some people to meet you but they're 15 minutes late, you can say:
It looks like they're not coming.
If you look outside on a rainy day and it's not raining anymore, you can say:
It looks like the rain has stopped.
In casual speech, you can leave the word "it" out at the beginning of the sentence.
wear through the sole (of a shoe)
When something gets "worn through", it gets thinner and thinner through use, until there's a hole in it.
You can use "wear through" in these ways:
- (someone) wears through (something)
I wear through shoes quickly.
- (something) wears through (something)
The heel of my boot wore through my sock.
- (somthing) is/gets worn through
It's already worn through.
Use "wear through" mostly to talk about clothes or the soles of a person's shoes. The "sole" is the bottom of the shoe, which touches the ground when you walk.