English Lessons

English Lesson: I knew it!

Your friend comes over to your house for a party but doesn't drink anything. You wonder if she might be pregnant. A few weeks later, she tells you that she is. You say this in excitement.

English Lesson: So many choices!

You go out to a Chinese restaurant with a group of friends. The menu has over 100 different items. You say this because you're not sure what to get.

English Lesson: She's gone on to a better place now.

Your cat died. Your daughter is really upset about it. You tell her this to make her feel better.

English Lesson: Wow, that’s really impressive.

You work at an electronics store. While you're selling a computer to a customer, he tells you that he's a professional photographer and shoots a lot of major sporting events. That job seems difficult to get, so you respond with this.

English Lesson: People generally assume that more expensive products are of higher quality, but that's not necessarily the case.

You're commenting on an Internet forum about fashion. Someone has written that "You get what you pay for". You disagree. You don't think that more expensive shoes are always better, so you write this in response.