English Lessons


You entered an art contest. You submitted an example of your art to the owners of an art-related website. A few week later, you get an email telling you that you didn't win. The email's author wanted to make you feel better about not winning. This...


You're at a work party and talking with a coworker. You both start to talk about what you were like when you were students. You say this, remembering that you used to wait until the last minute to do homework assignments.


You are talking with a classmate about an assignment you have to do for the class. You don't remember when the deadline is. This is what you ask your classmate.


You're sending an email to a younger person who's applying for her first job out of college. She asked you if you think it's important to include a cover letter when she applies for jobs. You do think it's important, so this is what you write.


There is a school assignment due in two days. You are talking to your friend, who hasn't started working on the assignment. You are worried for your friend that she won't be able to finish it by the deadline. You ask her this.