English Lessons

English Lesson: They had a spread like you wouldn't believe!

Last week you went to a great party that was thrown by one of the companies that you do business with. You're telling your coworker, who didn't go to the party, about it. You want to tell him about all of the amazing food that they had at the part...

English Lesson: I'm talking lobster, chicken, pizza... you name it!

Last week you went to a great party that was thrown by one of the companies that you do business with. You're telling your coworker, who didn't go to the party, about it. You just told him that there was lots of amazing food there, and you begin t...

English Lesson: It's a shame you missed it!

Last week you went to a great party that was thrown by one of the companies that you do business with. You had a great time. Today you see your coworker, who didn't go to the party. You want to tell him how fun the party was. You say this to show ...

English Lesson: No, I packed my lunch today. Thanks, though.

It's lunch time at work. A coworker offers to pick up some food for you. You say this because you brought lunch from home.

English Lesson: He is currently being held in a maximum security prison.

You're watching the news on TV. There's some news about a prisoner who escaped, but has now been caught again. The news anchor (TV announcer) explains this.