English Lessons


You were offered a job in another country and are telling your friend about it. You think that you're going to take the job because it's an interesting change and something that you won't have another chance to do later in life. This is how you ex...


Your mother is going to make breakfast. She asks you what you want to eat. You don't care, so you say this.


You're a guy who doesn't have a girlfriend. You're talking to your friend who's quite popular with women. You are shy around women, and say this to explain.


Your roommate is going on a trip to a foreign country for a few weeks, and you are helping her pack. You've been there before, so you're giving her advice. You think she should take a pair of athletic shoes to walk around in, so you say this.


Your male friend finds it hard to meet girls, and has asked for your advice on how to find a girlfriend. You think your friend is just too shy and needs to be more outgoing, so you say this.