English Lessons


You are out shopping for furniture with your fiance. You find a couch that you like, but you don't like the color. You tell him this.


You live in New York. A friend was supposed to come to visit you from out of town next month, but he emailed to say that he can't come. This is what he wrote.


You went to a talk last night. You are describing the speaker and the event to a coworker who wasn't there. You were just criticizing the speaker for not being interesting, but you say this because you don't want to sound too negative about the ev...


You are at a bank. You just deposited some money into your account, and now the bank teller wants to make sure that you're finished with everything you needed to do. He asks you this.


You went to a talk given by an author last night. You are describing the speaker, who you didn't enjoy very much. This is your feedback.