English Lessons


You and your husband are visiting a couple that you haven't seen in a long time. You and the other woman have been talking together for a few minutes while your husband and the other man talk to each other. Your husband wants to re-join the conver...


You are visiting a couple who you haven't seen in a few years. They have a son who was 3 years old the last time you saw him, but now he's 6. You remember him well from 3 years ago, but you don't think he remembers you. This is what you say to him.


You're shopping for furniture with your fiance. You picked out a sofa that you want, and now you're asking to buy it. You will need to get the sofa delivered to you, but the shop staff tells you this about the wait time for deliveries.


Your friend was going to visit you from out of town, but he emailed to say that he wouldn't be able to make it. You want to show that you're disappointed that he's not coming. You write this back to him.


Your friend Kazu was going to come to visit you from out of town, but he emailed to say that he wouldn't be able to make it. You tell your friend Jamie who lives near you and also knows Kazu that Kazu isn't coming. This is what you tell her.